I’ve finished the script for Season 1, Episode 1 of my web series “The Body.” It was a lot of work, but I’m happy with where it is. I’ll be tweaking it going forward, but I feel confident it’s pretty close to ready for shooting.
There are a lot of considerations that come with scripting a series vs. a movie. I cut out a *lot* of scenes, for instance, that ultimately didn’t feel like a fit for this first episode, but will almost surely end up in future ones.
That’s the thing: with a series, a writer has the time to tell his (in my case) stories. The picking and choosing of storylines isn’t nearly as crucial as it is in a movie, since I’ll get there eventually.
I’m also well into Episode 2, and hope to have a first draft of that finished within a couple of weeks at the latest. I’m super-excited about how the stories are going.
I’ve hired almost all of the actors I’ll need for the first episode. And all the key parts have been cast for most of the first season. Yay! Casting is hard, but fun. I love what different actors bring to their roles.
Until next time…