Scripting is going very well for Episode 2, Season 1 of “The Body”. Some really interesting stuff is coming out of my brain on this one. The story is taking directions I didn’t expect.
This can seem strange to non-writers (and even non-fiction writers), as it would appear obvious that the writer controls the direction. And in a sense, that is of course true. In another sense, though, a writer creates a universe, winds it up, and lets it go. When that happens, it can (and often does) spin off in unexpected directions.
Episode 2 is a perfect example. I had an idea that kind of “took over” the episode. Other storylines that I intended for this episode will have to wait, because I wanted to explore new avenues that I discovered.
That’s the good thing about a series vs. a movie: I can indulge those new directions with much greater freedom. I’ll get to the other stuff when I get to it.
The next key step is to lock down the locations I’ve been working on securing. There is a *lot* of work ahead, especially because I’ve scheduled the first shooting dates. That means I’m committed now to deadlines, which ramps up the pressure. But, being a former journalist, I tend to work well under deadlines, so it’s not too daunting.
At least not yet.